I took a drive to the Long Island beach. It's free this time of the year. I spotted our part time resident--- the Piping plovers-- Charadrius melodus- It sure did make my day!
They start their migration north mid-March and start breeding mid-April. If breeding is successful chicks hatch a few days shy a month. In the winter they migrate south.
I saw a few hoping around. I only wished I brought my camera. Soon they will start to build there nests.
They are protected by the Endangered Species act and are tagged; since the 90's they have been increasing. It is important to protect animals. . Other wise they become extinct, like our native birds Carolina parrots- Conuropsis carolinensis and Passerine pigeon- Ectopistes migratorius killed and extinct by humans by the early 1900's because they were a nuisance to city and farms folks. Most extinction occurs today due to habitat destruction. A decrease in these birds indicate habitat changes that may also impact other species.
Talk about Sandy's habitat distraction for most human coast dwellers. The storm has built up the perfect habitat for these shore birds. More sand means more nesting places and possibly more food, and hopefully, an increase in population.
Try taking a trip to the beach now--It's free-- Don't forget your binoculars and camera.
Click on link below to learn more......
Piping Plover - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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